The Studio

Because we have to name it but I like to call it "the opposite " so I never feel like I'm going to work ...


Based around an entirely analogue S.S.L console, but who also can act as a control Surface for my DAW.I like the warmth of this sound and the warm sound that make the music even more beautiful to listen to…

Vintage is faithfull

Vintage is faithfull

Universal Audio Compressor Limiters ... Compressors and Focusrite Preamp a Yamaha SPX 1000 and KRK Adam and NS10 plays, basically the dynaudio (the subwoofer is behind the console)

Analog compressors

Analog compressors


Control and programation Room

broad Daylight

ISA Focuriste compressors

ISA Focuriste compressors

Focusrite Pré SPX 1000

Focusrite Pré SPX 1000


Aurora Lynx VirusT.I Apogee track two

HackintoshLexicon 300 reverb


Key B Organ